Friday, September 24, 2010

Last Blog of 2010??

Not much real travel this summer. Did our usual Memorial Day campout with the Rainmakers group and this year we were back at Friendship Acres. Next was a short two days at Clays Park with the girls. It is a real ‘water-park’ and we spent a lot of hours in the water. Unfortunately when you are in the water it is hard to take any pictures.

In September we took our first long haul with the Greystone as we traveled to Myrtle Beach, SC for 10 days. Son Jon and wife Jenny made the trip and spent the first week there. The trip down was without incident and the weather certainly cooperated during the stay. We had a rather noisy and large thunder storm roll through overnight on Saturday the Th, but after that the weather could not have been better.

This is where we were camped. Jon and Jenny were across the street in front of us.

The beach was very nice. Here Jon, Jenny and Judy take a break from the sun under our umbrellas.

On the 14th Jon and Jenny took us out for our anniversary. We went to Dockside in Calabash and had a very nice dinner.

When the tide is coming in the ladies like to sit near the edge and let the water slowly surround them.

On Friday night the 17th, Mark, Kyra and the boys arrived for the weekend. In the mornings Judy had both boys on her lap as they watched some early morning PBS programming.
Kyra even had some time for solitary reading as the water edged closer to her chair.

On Monday morning the 20th we headed home. After spending the night at Fort Chiswell, VA, we arrived at 2020 Tricaso at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon. Spent the next couple of days cleaning up the trailer and truck and taking care of the outside chores around the house.

As of now the next trip will be the big one south after the first of the year.